
Information on the legal regulation concerning the curfew restriction

Government decree No. 71/2020 (III. 27.) on the curfew restriction – Social interaction shall be limited to a minimum, not including those between persons living in the same household, the persons shall keep at least 1,5-meter distance from each other including the public transportation as well. – It is forbidden to stay in a catering…


Impact of digitalization on labour law I. – electronic documents

Both employees and employers are open to the opportunities provided by the digitalization, since both sides may benefit from the new forms of flexibility. Thanks to this, the digital technology is already earned its place in several areas of traditional employment relations. However, these snap-in technologies can be both and opportunity and threat for the…


Litigious representation in naturalization process

Our Office has successfully represented its client in the proceedings for the annulment of an administrative decision concerning the withdrawal of his citizenship. The starting point of this case is the Act 55 of 1993 on Hungarian citizenship (hereinafter: Citizenship Act) which regulates the ways of obtaining Hungarian citizenship. According to Paragraph 4 Section 3…


The work performed through digital platforms – publication of Réka Székhelyi

In her newest publication in HVG Orac’s Labor Law Magazine issued in September 2019, Réka Székhelyi is examining an outstanding innovation of recent times in the world of work as a result of increased use of technology, the rise of the digital platforms. The publication introduces the main charactheristics of the work perfomed through digital platforms…


NLO on the track

Our colleagues at the NLO are not afraid of the challenges, whether it is finding the solution to our clients’ legal problems or participating in a running event. The enthusiast members of the NLO team run this year on the short distance programs and on the Half Marathon at the 34th Telekom Vivicitta City Running….


Enforcement of Foreign Court Decisions Under the Hungarian Legislation – publication of dr. Péter Nógrádi

Recently, the International Section of the New York State Bar Assocciation issued its publication, the International Law Practicum (2018, vol. 31., no. 2.), which focuses on the enforceability of foreign judgments in jurisdictions around the world. In this publication the applicable provisions of Hungarian law is presented by dr. Péter Nógrádi. Please find below a…


GDPR in Hungary – presentation of Nógrádi Law Office

 Please note that the above presentation is under the copyright of Nógrádi Law Office. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from Nógrádi Law Office is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Nógrádi Law Office with appropriate and specific direction to…


European Law Group’s Semi-annual Meeting in Paris

The representatives of Nógrádi Law Office attended at the semi-annual meeting of European Law Group  held in Paris between 16-17 November, 2018. Nógrádi Law Office is the sole Hungarian member of European Law Group. European Law Group is a cooperation of independent law firms from all over Europe,  ensuring to its members and therefore for…


Nógrádi Law Office on Klubrádió about GDPR

Our colleague, dr. Diána Mile, who is an expert of data protection, had the opportunity to talk about the EU 2016/679 General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force on the 25th of May 2018, and the relating requirements and obligations on Klubrádió on 28 May 2018. The interview is available under the following link…


Annual ELG conference in Budapest

The annual meeting of the European Law Group was held in Budapest on 20th and 21th April. The delegates were coming from French, Belgian, Israeli, Italian, Spanish, English, German, Maltese, Austrian, Danish, and Swedish law firms, basically from all over Europe. Based on the rotating system of the ELG annual conferences, this year the hosting…